With one more tap of a button, you can pound him into the unforgiving cement, hurl him into his fellow troops, or infect him with a viral bomb that causes him to explode in a fountain of blood, and then flee from the scene as if you were never there. Lock on to him from your safe vantage in the sky, and with a tap of a button, grab his squirming body before he has a chance to scream for help. While gliding over occupied streets, you might spy a fear-mongering soldier down below. The convergence of movement and combat makes for instances of unrepentant brutality. Slapping a brawler is even more humiliating than eviscerating it. Instead, you sprint pell-mell until you crave the sweet satiation of your bloodthirst, and in a snap you're beating a poor sucker so badly his mother wouldn't be able to recognize him. Things do become a little tricky when precision is necessary, though thankfully you rarely have to move with exactitude. Running up the sides of buildings, bounding down blocks in a single leap, and gliding like a manic flying squirrel make for quicker transport than a tired vehicle ever could, and the unabashed joy of careening through this virus-plagued town is hard to deny. From the moment you're set loose, you don't need any urging to sprint through this city gone to ruin. Prototype 2 takes place in an open-world environment where you can run wherever you wish without artificial barriers reining you in. This style is also used when your health gets low in combat and does a great job of communicating your struggles without obscuring your view. High-contrast black and white with flashes of color (blue eyes, red flames) add a dramatic pitch to the proceedings. Problems with the story aside, the artistic style used in the many cutscenes is certainly eye-catching. Furthermore, protagonist James Heller holds his hand to his ear and slowly walks around when a contact talks to him, contrasting wildly with the crazed sprinting and leaping that make up his normal locomotion. Plentiful swearing and unrestrained anger highlight most of these conversations, and the vulgar cutscenes force the carefree action to take a backseat far too often. Most of the dirty details surface when you consume certain people, and the flashes of memory piece together a terrifying puzzle about the inner machinations of power-obsessed heretics who rarely question their horrific actions.ĭialogue-rich sequences explain your objectives before each mission. While character development is lacking, the storytelling is interesting.

Scenes of redemption toward the end of the story breathe life into some of these individuals, but by that point you won't even care what happens to the villains. Evil stereotypes permeate the cast of characters, but even though there's proper motivation to murder them all, you rarely feel as if you understand whom you're tracking down. The initial rush you feel when the central plot comes into focus dissipates as you learn more about the conspiracy. It's a morbid situation that makes it satisfying to kill your opposition-defense contractor Blackwatch-as you hunt down the higher-ups who ordered this atrocity. In reality, they are conducting bioweapon research, and the people are just unlucky cattle being led to slaughter. A military force has quarantined a major metropolis under the guise of protecting citizens from a viral outbreak, but their occupancy is far from altruistic. In contrast to the devil-may-care attitude showcased in the majority of the adventure, the story does take itself seriously. By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's